Legal & Privacy

Legal Notice


Responsible Bar Association

Vienna Bar Association, Austria

VAT Registration Number

ATU 10519802 (Erhard Böhm)

BOEHM ARBITRATION is the brand used by Dr Erhard Böhm, it is not a partnership or a corporate entity.

Erhard Böhm and Irina Nazarova have their separate legal practices.

Irina Nazarova is not admitted in Austria. She does not advise on Austrian law. Irina Nazarova is and remains a partner of the the law firm of EnGarde in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Site Credits

Website Design
Britta Just | bj Marketingstudio

Nancy Horowitz | Nancy Horowitz photographie

The photos on the website were taken at a bridge crossing the intake of the Vienna Danube Canal. The structure forms part of the flood protection system for Vienna which took more than hundred years to complete.